
dijous, 23 d’octubre del 2014

Treballant amb les eines TAC

Els alumnes de l’escola Josep Arques continuen amb el Projecte iniciat el curs 2012-13 d’Art and Crafts (PILE).
Com ja sabeu cada cicle treballa uns autors, i les diferents tècniques. Els alumnes de 4rt, 5è i 6è han utilitzat una eina  TAC (Treasure hunt)  per  anar descobrint de manera autònoma aspectes relacionats amb l’autor.

El “Treasure hunt” és una estratègia d’aprenentatge per adquirir informació a través de les noves tecnologies sobre un tema determinat. L’alumne haurà de trobar les respostes a unes preguntes preparades on la informació es troba als enllaços d’internet seleccionats prèviament pel mestre.

dimarts, 12 de març del 2013

First level

We are the 1st level of the school and this is the way we start the Art & Crafts class.

Second level

This 2nd Term the pupils of CI are learning about Gaudí.

Gaudí was a famous architect. Some of his important works in Barcelona are:
He used curved lines, nature and mosaic. These photos show our work.

dilluns, 4 de març del 2013

Process Explanation

This blog will be preparing throughout the year and we will show our experiences.
The aim of this work is to acquire communication skills by practicing oral language skills in English to facilitate interaction between students. So They expose an artistic technique worked in class.

The most important during this learning process is that students are gaining confidence and self-esteem and slowly overcoming the fear of speaking in a language not his own.

The 3rd and 4th levels expose:"working with clay." Activity  that work together in class and then apply peer learning, to learn instructions. Finally each child expose this activity in front of the class.

The 5th level expose:"How to make a geometric composition" and also used the same methodology, the instructions work together in class and then apply peer learning, and finally each child expose this activity in front of the class too .

The 3rd and 4th level has worked Henri Matisse.

The 5th level has worked Giuseppe Archimboldo.